Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tampa Bay Real Estate Market Poised for Recovery

I read a very intriguing article this morning which was written by James A. Crumbaugh III, CEO of Allison James Estates & Homes. I am copying the content of that article here because I believe Mr Crumbaugh is absolutely right in his understanding of WHY the Tampa Bay real estate market is poised to have a much better year in 2009 than 2008 has been.
RISMEDIA, Dec. 10, 2008- I’m always accused of being overly optimistic about the real estate market. You have to understand that after 35 + years in the business, everything is just a cycle to me and when we go through a cycle like we’ve been going through, then my thoughts become “How long will the cycle last?”

You may have read my previous article titled The Perfect Storm, where I discussed the reasons that I thought this real estate market was poised to turn around. We are seeing the market improve almost on a daily basis recently. Is it the facts that I stated in my article that is causing the turn around? Absolutely that’s part of the turnaround.

However, there is another dynamic at work here. I’ll call it the "Obama Effect." I voted for John McCain, but I’m sensing an optimism starting to build in this country. I will give President Elect Obama credit where credit is due, and I will be the first to admit that at this point he is being very proactive at turning around the financial crisis in this country.

As the optimism improves, and I think it will, from here to the inauguration, and for the honeymoon period following the inauguration, we will continue to see an improvement in the optimism in this country.

With the automotive bailout, real estate is bound to improve in the Michigan area and probably the entire rust belt, therefore improving Florida real estate. The retirees will be able to sell their homes in Michigan and retire to Florida or other states popular among retirees.

The public works project will put hundreds of thousands of workers back to work and at good wages. I still believe we have a pent up demand for the last three years of buyers wanting to buy. Once these buyers are employed again and flush with income, the market will start to improve.

Then you have very low fuel prices that allow the consumer more discretionary income to spend.

Then we have the potential for mortgage rates as low as 4½% .

When you start to take a hard look at where we are poised as an industry, no matter how pessimistic you are, you have got to believe we are in for a return of a good real estate market in Florida, if not an excellent real estate market.

The stars are lining up:

- An improved automotive market
- Low fuel prices
- Workers going back to work
- Good wages
- Low real estate prices
- Low mortgage rates

I’m becoming more optimistic just writing this article. I don’t believe you can argue the facts as I just them pointed out. Things are looking up for the Florida real estate industry..........

James A. Crumbaugh III is CEO of Allison James Estates & Homes.

If you are a retiree, a real estate investor, or a broker or realtor, better times are coming in 2009 because the bear market in housing is about to turn around and it will turn around soon.

If you are ready to learn why, if you are going to invest in Florida real estate, Tampa Bay Florida is the right place to do it, contact me by E-Mail or complete my Tampa Florida Information Request Form. In a hurry ? Then call me directly at 813-263-6806.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Go "Green" for the Holidays

With our economy faltering and the new awareness of a more eco-friendly approach to living, we're all more focused on being "green" these days - with respect to both our wallets and the environment. The holiday season can be a challenge for both of these interests with gifts to buy and wrap, decorating to do, holiday parties to throw and on and on.

It has been estimated that during every week between Thanksgiving and the New Year, an extra one million tons of waste will be generated in the U.S. alone. It's been estimated that 38,000 miles of Christmas ribbon are tossed away each year - enough to ribbon more than once around the Earth!

Rather than waiting for New Year's Resolution time to bcome more "green," try a few of these eco-conscious tips to help you and your family live, give and save green this holiday season.

Go with the Glow
The holidays just wouldn't be the same without the twinkly glow of strings of lights along rooftops, eaves and in trees and shrubs. But those holiday lights are a real drain on your energy bill. LED lights use less than 10% of the electricity consumed by traditional filament bulbs and can save you close to 95% on your electricity bill.

Stay Home for the Holidays
Save time, money and stress. Stay home for the holidays this year saving money for gas and reducing pollution. reports that if every American family reduced holiday gas consumption by just one gallon, that would mean driving just about 20 miles less, we would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one million tons. So think about enjoying the holidays this year at home.

Get Creative with Wrapping
Mass-produced wrapping paper generally is not recyclable and ends up in landfills. Instead, get creative. Wrap presents in old maps, the comics section of a newspaper, or in your children's artwork. The Sierra Club estimatges that if every family wrapped just three gifts this way, it would save enough wrapping paper to cover 45,000 football fields. And, does that pre-formed bow actually make the present all that much more attractive? Think about leaving those off your presents this year.

Give the Gift of Giving
Upgrading your electronic toys and computers this year? Do you have electronics, toys, appliances or clothes that your family no longer needs or uses? Donate those items to a local charity or shelter. You'll get rid of clutter, and, you'll keep all that stuff you donate from ending up in a landfill. Are you a neat-nik with nothing extra lying around the house? Think about making modest cash donations to local charities or food items to a local food bank and telling the folks you'd normally give some silly (and probably unwanted) gift to, that you've made a donation instead. If you know your friends' favorite charities, your donations may be even more appreciated. You'll be helping to reduce waste and at the same time, you'll be making someone's holiday a little brighter than it might have been.

Save A Shoppng Bag and a Tree
Instead of coming home with 15 shopping bags, all of which will end up in the trash, bring your own eco-friendly bags to the store. If you're afraid of being stopped for shoplifting, Danny Seo, author of "Simply Green Giving," fastens receipts to the outside of his bags with a binder clip he brings with him, clearly indicating that what is indisde was ought and paid for.

For your Christmas tree, go "real." Fake trees are petroleum-based and they are not biodegradable." One answer, depending on where you live, is to buy a live tree and plant it in your yard next Spring. Or get a fresh-cut tree and, after the holidays, take it to a recycling facility, where it can be turned into mulch.

Give Green, Live Green and Save Green
Make this your holiday slogan. These simple steps make it easy to bring a little more "green" to the Earth and save a little "green" in your wallet this holiday season. Have ideas of your own ? Write us a comment with your suggestions.

Happy Holidays to You and Yours